

Hindustan Zinc Mining Academy to train new batch in Jumbo Drill Operations under 18 months Residential Program …

The mining sector has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the country thus eradicating poverty at large. Indian natural resource industry has seen significant change in the last 10 years in terms of technology, employment generation, metal production and attracting best of Indian and global talent that includes engineers and management graduates.

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Is ZINC helpful in Depression ?

Is ZINC helpful in Depression ? This question was asked by one of the respondents of ‘Ask for Zinc’. The answer is YES….. it turns out that Zinc plays a part in modulating the brain and body’s response to stress all along the way…

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Silver – this white Gold glitters more than Gold…

Globally, 51% Silver is used for Industrial Fabrication… The highest usage of Silver, globally, is Industrial Fabrication (51%), followed by Coins and Bars (25%), Jewellery (19%) and Silverware (5%)

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Silver Glitters in My Medicine…

Silver has been known since ancient time. It was one of the first five metals to be discovered. Mankind learned to separate silver from lead back in 3000 BC. Silver objects have been found dating back before 4000 BC.

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The Power of Sun… Still, you cannot produce solar power without Silver…

If we add the amount of solar energy that is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere, land and oceans every year, we end up with approximately 3,850,000 EJ (exajoules or 10^18 joules). To put it in more understandable terms, this amount of energy is equivalent to  :  2.7 million earthquakes of the same size as the Tohoku earthquake in Japan (2011) – 40 000 times the total energy consumption in the United States – 8 000 times the total consumption in the whole world –  40% of the energy that is required to heat the entire volume of water we have on Earth by 1°Celsius. Every square meter of our planet receives around 1,366 watts of direct solar radiation.

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