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Check the Battery before you buy a mobile..

Is it a Lithium-Ion battery or Zinc based battery

Researchers in California have found a replacement to the Lithium-Ion batteries which are infamous for overheating, bursting into flames and even exploding. A safer, less expensive, smaller and lighter substitution has been explored.

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Are You Suffering from Sleep Disorder…!!

Zinc can help you have a sound sleep…

Zinc plays an essential role in neurotransmitter function and helps maintain cognition. It is necessary in the metabolism of Melatonin which is a key hormone for healthy sleep. Zinc is one of the three minerals that have a sedative effect on the nervous system (the others are Calcium and Magnesium) and is also thought to help mental recovery post-stress.

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Hind Zinc celebrated underground Mines Safety Awareness Week

Hindustan Zinc celebrated the 41st underground Mines Safety Week – 2017 with theme “Cleanliness & Silicosis Awareness”. The Final day function of the Mine Safety Week-2017 was organised at M.K.M stadium, Zawar Mines on 14th November 2017

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How does ZINC relate to diabetes?

Diabetes might be one of the most talked about diseases across the world and especially in India, but awareness about the same can well be estimated by the fact that India today has more people with type-2 diabetes. The WHO also estimates that 80 per cent of diabetes deaths occur in low and middle-income countries and projects that such deaths will double between 2016 and 2030.

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