Tag: udaipur khushi

‘I Sold Hand-Made Book-Marks to Help the Needy’


220207Vedanta Khushi is a social media campaign that started off to spread the awareness towards care for the underprivileged children – their Nutrition – Education – Health and overall development in India. Through its blog, www.khushi-creatinghappiness.blogspot.in, Vedanta Khushi posts motivating heart touching experiences and stories of people who have helped underprivileged children through their own ways.

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Vedanta’s Child Care Campaign “Khushi” Gaining Momentum

Be polite to the poor children – they are not deprived by choice but by chance..

150109Vedanta is spearheading a global campaign towards ‘care for the underprivileged children in India’. The campaign launched with a thought that Government, companies or NGOs cannot do it alone and individuals need to come forward and participate towards this national problem.

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