Tag: hindustan zinc udaipur

How much Zinc you should have in Winters

EXTREMELY low temperatures outdoors to the heated indoors coupled with pollution, sun’s UV rays and harsh chemicals; winter is the season of dry & cracking skin. A trace mineral essential to all forms of life, Zinc is especially important for skin care because of its fundamental role in gene expression, cell growth and cell replication.

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Zinc… a Tonic for your Skin…

Pollution, harsh weather, the sun’s UV rays, poor diet, stress and lack of exercise. All of these have a role to play in deteriorating your skin’s condition.

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Do we build infrastructure to last for years?

Coastal salts (i.e. sodium, calcium and magnesium chlorides) can create a corrosive environment for any infrastructure across the world, the reason being humid  and saline climate. The only remedy is to use galvanized steel (the zinc coated steel) that provides the much needed strength to the rebars.

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